Parmesan Olive

This savory, flavorful olive-cheese bread is great by itself or to compliment your main dish. Sandwiches are also wonderful made with this bread.
Organic golden wheat flour,Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, rosemary, thyme, kalamata olives, green olives, Parmesan cheese.
Organic golden wheat flour,Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, rosemary, thyme, kalamata olives, green olives, Parmesan cheese.
Seeded Multi-grain

Healthy and delicious is this multi-grained and multi-seeded bread. If you like a dark, dense, earthy flavor this is a choice for you!
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, Organic dark rye flour, Organic kamut, Organic millet flour, Organic flax flour, Organic oat flour, well water, sea salt. Seeds: Sunflower, sesame, flax, poppy, caraway.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, Organic dark rye flour, Organic kamut, Organic millet flour, Organic flax flour, Organic oat flour, well water, sea salt. Seeds: Sunflower, sesame, flax, poppy, caraway.
Country French

Simple but delicious.....a picky kids favorite!
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt.
Seeded Rye

Caraway is not for everyone but, if your a fan, this bread is for you.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, Organic dark rye flour, caraway seeds, well water, sea salt.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, Organic dark rye flour, caraway seeds, well water, sea salt.

A delicious treat to start your day off right. This sweet bread helps bring you back to your childhood when Mom used to bake those wonderful cinnamon rolls. Thick slices of this loaf makes the most flavorful french toast.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, honey, sea salt, raw sugar, cinnamon.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, honey, sea salt, raw sugar, cinnamon.
Fruit Nut

A.K.A. The Breakfast Bread! It is your entire breakfast packed into one succulent loaf. Fresh out of the toaster with "real" butter slathered on will make breakfast your favorite meal of the day!!! Beware: devouring this entire loaf at one sitting is a possibility.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, honey, cinnamon, raisins, cherries, cranberries, and walnuts.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, honey, cinnamon, raisins, cherries, cranberries, and walnuts.
Spinach Feta

When cutting into this boule, the abundant amount of spinach and feta will invite you for a taste. It is excellent grilled, made with your favorite cheese. My favorite way to eat this bread is with dipping oil sauce.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, spinach, feta cheese.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic whole wheat flour, well water, sea salt, spinach, feta cheese.

- Another great breakfast bread or try for ham sandwiches
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic bread flour, well water, dried cherries, sea salt
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic bread flour, well water, dried cherries, sea salt

- Great for BLTs or any sandwich. Really good with tomato dishes such as spaghetti and lasagna.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic bread flour, well water, cheddar cheese, onion, roasted garlic, sea salt.
Organic golden wheat flour, Organic bread flour, well water, cheddar cheese, onion, roasted garlic, sea salt.
Pumpernickel Rye

A robust German Rye with a tiny bit of sweetness from honey and molasses. A great bread by itself or for sandwiches. Really good toasted with nut butters too!
Organic Golden Wheat Flour, Organic Dark Rye, Molasses, Honey, Cocoa, Well water, Sea salt
Organic Golden Wheat Flour, Organic Dark Rye, Molasses, Honey, Cocoa, Well water, Sea salt
Rio's Apple Oat

Yummy...Yummy...Yummy! We love our local Michigan apples and so we created this delightful bread for a season opener to the autumn months in Northern Michigan.
Organic Golden Wheat Flour, Oatmeal, Honey, Well Water, Apples, Raisins, Raw Sugar, Cinnamon, Sea Salt.
Organic Golden Wheat Flour, Oatmeal, Honey, Well Water, Apples, Raisins, Raw Sugar, Cinnamon, Sea Salt.
Italian Sourdough

Bring a little of Italy into your home. This loaf is great for sandwiches or topped with your favorite bruschetta.
CCF, GMO Free unbleached white flour, Well water, Honey, Olive oil, Sea salt
CCF, GMO Free unbleached white flour, Well water, Honey, Olive oil, Sea salt
English Muffin Loaf

The cracked corn grits that blanket the top of this loaf are sure to add a little excitement to your morning toast.
CCF, GMO Free unbleached white flour, well water, honey, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, cracked corn grits.
CCF, GMO Free unbleached white flour, well water, honey, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, cracked corn grits.

Organic bread flour, Organic Golden wheat flour, well water, kale, spinach, cabbage, onions, carrots, collard greens, sea salt.
CINNAMON SWIRL - great just toasted with butter or it makes a wonderful french toast
Organic bread flour, well water, coconut milk, organic sugar, organic coconut oil, cinnamon, butter, sea salt
Organic bread flour, well water, coconut milk, organic sugar, organic coconut oil, cinnamon, butter, sea salt
ENGLISH MUFFIN - toasted with nut butter, yum! or for kids sandwicheS
Organic bread flour, well water, coconut milk, organic coconut oil, organic sugar, sea salt, organic corn grits
Organic bread flour, well water, coconut milk, organic coconut oil, organic sugar, sea salt, organic corn grits
Homemade Granola

Fruit Nut: Rolled Oats, Olive Oil, Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Walnuts, Dried Cranberries, Dried Cherries, Raisins, Sea Salt
Fruit No-Nut: Rolled Oats, Olive Oil, Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Dried Cranberries, Dried Cherries, Raisins, Sea Salt
Crunchy: Rolled Oats, Olive Oil, Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Whole Almonds, Sliced Almonds, Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds,
Flax Seeds, Shaved Coconut, Sea Salt
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................16 oz Bag $8.50
Fruit No-Nut: Rolled Oats, Olive Oil, Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Dried Cranberries, Dried Cherries, Raisins, Sea Salt
Crunchy: Rolled Oats, Olive Oil, Honey, Organic Maple Syrup, Whole Almonds, Sliced Almonds, Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds,
Flax Seeds, Shaved Coconut, Sea Salt
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................16 oz Bag $8.50